Credits & Acknowledgements


Yves Mettler: construction of website


Chelsea Knight: proofreading of texts


Marc Domage: exhibition photographs of “Codename: Osvaldo” at Centre culturel suisse (CCS) Paris


Dominique Uldry: exhibition photographs of “The Majorana Experiment” at Kunsthalle Bern


Stefano de Luigi at Contrasto, Massimo Siragusa at Contrasto, Luca Tamagnini at PhotoAltante, and anonymous photographers: “Displacement Island”


Deutsches Museum München: “Prof. Otto Hahn’s Work Table for Neutron Bombardment of Uranium, 1938, Deutsches Museum Setup, München”


Michael Newman: inspiration for the texts to “AKA (Also Known As)—Script for a Short Film,” “Permutit—Scenes from a Film,” “Shadowing the Invisible Man—Script for a Short Film”


Domietta Torlasco: inspiration for the texts to “The Desert Reporter”


Thanks to Susanne Jaschko, Nina Koidl, Henning Weidemann

| 01/05 >